At Castromediano Museum in Lecce, it was an amazing walk along the ancient paths of local art, history and culture in Apulia.
Below you can see some examples and ideas of art on what you can find by visiting the museum. Get inspired.
At the entrance of the museum, two stunning polyptyches welcomed and invited to exploration. The magistral work of art “Madonna dell’umiltà” by Lorenzo Veneziano that attracted my attention.
It was extraordinary to observe the peculiar Virgin Mary’s gaze, which had something intensely alive. Indeed, it was as if she did not take her attention away from my own sight, while I moved from one side of the artwork to the other.
Madonna in trono con il Bambino – Antonio e Bartolomeo Vivarini – Galatina Polyptych
The little column of Patù (Capo di Leuca) – ancient, mysterious testimony with function of alphabetary dating back to the 6th century B.C.
Examples of ancient graffiti designs of boats and ships. It was found that some of them were on the column coming from Patù, in Southern Apulia
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